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Displaying autozygous regions against an ideogram

AutoIdeogram is a program designed to display an individual's autozygous regions next to an ideogram of the human genome. The program reads the SNP genotype data from either an Affymetrix or Illunima microarray experiment that has been formatted by either SNPAnnotator (Affymetrix data) or one of the Illumina2Affy programs (Illumina data). SNPAnnotator can be found here, while Illumina2Affy is here

AutoIdeogram is simple to use and only requires the selection of a SNP genotype data file. Once selected, AutoIdeogram discards SNPs with uncalled genotypes, before identifying and discarding heterozygous SNPs in extended runs of homozygous SNPs. The regions are then displayed against an ideogram (Figure 1). By pressing the Option it is possible to make basic adjustments to the way autozygous regions are displayed, plus mark the location of a region or gene of interest. Once the display has been created it is possible to save an image of the display as a bitmap (*.bmp 300dpi) by pressing the Save button.


AutoIdeogram along with a demonstration file can be downloaded here (7,512 KB)
Note: this program requires the .NET framework version 2.0 to be installed (available through Windows Update).

AutoIdeogram display window

Figure 1: Autozygous regions displayed against an ideogram of the human autosomal genome.

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