User Guide
This program is based upon CpGviewer, which was
modified for use in MAPit experiments as described in:
Jessen WJ, Hoose SA, Kilgore JA, Kladde MP (2006) Active PHO5 chromatin
encompasses variable numbers of nucleosomes at individual promoters Nat
Struct Mol Biol 13:256-63.
In common with CpGviewer, MethylViewer can analyse files from the ABI series of
sequencers, as well as standard chromatogram format (*.scf) and plain text
files. There is no preset minimum hardware specification, but the computer must
run the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. The length of time needed to analyse each
data set will depend on the number of files and the size of the reference DNA
sequence. However, CpGviewer and MethylViewer differ in a few important ways (Table
As a consequence of MethylViewer’s ability to
analyse multiple recognition sites, it only offers a facility to analyse
bisulphite-treated clones originating from one of the DNA strands. This is a
deliberate decision, based on the fact that the presence of overlapping
methylation sites on one strand can create a different methylation pattern on
the sister strand. In some instances, one strand may have more dC residues prone
to methylation (Figure 1). While it is possible in principle to account
for such instances, the final output data would quite likely be prone to
misinterpretation. MethylViewer has therefore been
written to work with clones from one strand only. However, the direction in
which these clones are sequenced does not matter.
Using MethylViewer
Getting started
Figure 2 Shows the main menu used to create an alignment or alter the
alignment options.
Alignment options
- Minimum alignment score:
- This sets the cut-off score at which a sequence alignment is accepted. The
values range from 10 to 50, with a score of 10 roughly equating to 10% of the
aligned sequence segments closely matching the reference sequence.
- Base calling cut off:
- This sets the minimum peak height at which the programme will call a
nucleotide. This value is indicated by a red horizontal line across all
electropherogram images. (See Figure 8b).
This line should ordinarily be close to the bases of the trace peaks, unless
the sequencing signal is very faint.
- Word size:
- This sets the initial size of a local alignment from which the global
alignment is created. The valid range is between 6 and 15. The optimum value
depends on the sequence of the specific DNA target region under study.
Increasing the value reduces the overall alignment score, but may reduce the
insertion of aberrant gaps (Figure 7).
Working with alignments
Data entry
Alignments can either be created by MethylViewer
or imported from a pre-existing FASTA sequence alignment. In the latter case,
the reference sequence must be the first aligned sequence in the FASTA file;
this example
file is a FASTA alignment in the correct format. These two options for
creating an alignment are invoked respectively through the or the menu options.
Selecting one of these options will invoke its corresponding data input form
(Figure 3a or 3b). Rather than re-creating the same alignment
multiple times, the option allows an existing alignment to be re-screened with a
different set of methylation enzymes without re-extracting the underlying data
from the trace files. Selecting this option invokes the methylation site input
form shown in Figure 3c.
Both alignment options require the sequence data and a description of which
methylation sites are to be analysed. When creating a new alignment, the
programme requires a reference sequence file (plain text) and a folder
containing the data files (Figure 3a), whereas only the single text file
containing the alignment is needed when importing a FASTA alignment (Figure
3b). Once the data files have been selected, the methylation sites must be
specified using one of the preset options (CG, GC, CG and GC, or Custom). If you
routinely use the Custom option, your methylation site
specification may be saved to file and re-imported each time a new analysis is
performed. (To do this, first specify the custom sites (as described below) and
then select from the
form’s menu. To re-enter this site specification on a later occasion, select
and pick the appropriate file.)
Specifying custom methylation sites
Selecting the Custom sites option invokes the Custom methylation sites window (Figure 4).
When opened for the first time, this will already contain the sites CG and GC.
If these are not required, they can be removed by selecting the relevant site
from the list box below the Delete button and then
clicking Delete. To add a new site, such as CpNpG,
type its sequence in the upper left text box. The window will automatically
display the site’s reverse complement sequence and the notional
bisulphite-treated sequence in the lower two text boxes.
If the site contains a degenerate nucleotide, use the IUPAC 1-letter code
abbreviations; these can be displayed by pressing the Show button. If the specified site contains more than one
degenerate base (such as NCN), but not all possible combinations are used
(e.g. if the first base is a purine, the third base must be a
pyrimidine), tick the box beside any of the possible combinations that you do
NOT want to use, displayed in the large text box.
Once you have entered the desired recognition sequence, specify which
cytosine residue will be methylated by the enzyme, using the list located below
the ‘Select the methylated dC residue on the forward strand’ label. Next, select
a colour that you wish to use to specify this class of methylation site, again
using the drop-down list of colours provided. In the example shown, the colour
Lawngreen has been selected. Finally, chose the symbol that will be used to
identify the site in exported images, by clicking on an icon at the bottom of
the window. Each symbol may only be used once; symbols already assigned to other
classes of site will be greyed out and unselectable.
Viewing the data
The interactive grid view
Once the sequence data and methylation sites have been selected, clicking the
OK button will instruct MethylViewer to create and display the interactive grid
(Figure 5). In this window, each methyltransferase recognition site is
represented by a cell, which is colour-coded according to the status and
sequence context of the methylatable cytosine within that particular query
sequence (Table 2). (Alternatively, if the option (Figure 9) is
deselected, all methylated residues will be shown as black cells.) When an
alignment is created, the data grid is shown in a panel within the window. If
the grid is too large for this panel, it can be scrolled horizontally using the
slide bar at the bottom of the grid.
Regions of poor sequence alignment between the reference and
bisulphite-treated DNA sequences are highlighted by a blue line; when this line
is visible in a cell, it suggests the possibility that the methylation status
may be incorrect at that site (This feature can be turned off by deselecting the
Moving the cursor over the grid invokes a small floating window next to the
cursor, identifying the methylation site(s) represented by that cell. The
information in this mini-window can be customized, via the menu, to show
either the methylation consensus site or the actual sequence in the reference
file these will be identical unless the recognition site is degenerate). For
sites with more than one cytosine residue, the position of the methylated
residue may also be displayed.
File and methylated cytosine identification
Selecting a grid cell by left-clicking causes that methylatable cytosine’s
position in the reference sequence, its status within the query sequence and the
query sequence's filename all to appear below the grid (Figure 6,
highlighted in red). The blue squares forming the top and left edges of the grid
can be used to access more detailed information about the methylatable cytosine
(column headers) and the query sequence file (row leaders), again by
left-clicking the square. Alternatively, right-clicking the blue square at the
start of each row will open a window displaying the electropherogram trace
image. The top left corner blue square contains statistics on the methylated
cytosine status of the grid as a whole.
Viewing the alignment
By right-clicking a square (other than the blue border and orange non-aligned
cells), the underlying sequence alignment can be inspected. This can be either a
global text alignment (plain text sequence files; Figure 7a) or a local
section of this alignment along with the corresponding part of the
electropherogram trace (Figure 8). In the latter case, the trace image
will sometimes represent the reverse complement of the reference sequence. By
default, the trace image is displayed, but by setting the option (Figure 9), the
global (text) alignment will be displayed in preference. If it appears that
inappropriate gaps have been inserted in the global alignment, increasing the
Word size (via the ; Figure 2) may
eliminate them (e.g. Figure 7a uses a word size of 6, compared
to a word size of 10 in 7b).
Manual editing
Since bisulphite-treated DNA often contains long runs of low complexity
sequence, the desired or correct alignment between modified sequence and
reference sequence may not be the mathematically optimum one. In cases where the
program miscalls a methylatable cytosine, it is possible to edit the methylation
status of a cell. To edit the grid, select the option (Figure 10) and left-click
the square to edit. This generates a floating menu that allows you to select the
residue’s assigned status within the bisulphite-treated sequence (Figure
The same floating menu can also be accessed by clicking the trace image or
the text area of the global alignment window (Figure 12a, b,) without the
need first to select the option.
Squares that have been manually edited are identifiable; their new edited
values are shown as smaller squares overlying the original image (Figure
13). With some limitations, the edited data can be saved to file or
recovered from file, via the menu; however,
this file contains only the editing information, and can only be used in
conjunction with the correct reference sequence; individual sequence files may,
however, be added or removed from the alignment.
Creating a consensus sequence
When several sequences are derived from a common source (e.g.
multiple sequences from the same clone, or multiple clones from the same tissue
sample), it may be desired to form a consensus sequence from them. Such a
consensus sequence can also be re-loaded into the programme along with other
consensus sequences, to form a grid that displays methylation status from
multiple sequence files in an abridged manner. The option (Figure 14a) adds a
new row to the bottom of the grid. The cells in this row are initially orange,
but change to match whichever colour is chosen by clicking on any cell in the
same column (Figure 14b). Once the consensus row is completed, the
underlying sequence can be saved via (Figure 14a). If a square has
been edited, the consensus sequence takes the colour of the edited value. Once a
consensus has been saved, left-clicking the blue square at the start of the row
clears the sequence. This allows multiple consensus sequences to be generated
from a single alignment.
The dC conversion map
The efficiency of bisulphite modification of DNA is often not 100%, so that
some unmethylated residues may remain unconverted. To identify sequences, which
have low conversion efficiencies, it is possible to view the locations of
unconverted residues in each sequence, by selecting the option (Figure
15). The data grid is now replaced by a map drawn to scale, that shows the
positions of unconverted cytosine residues (blue vertical ticks) relative to the
cytosine residues that lie within methylation recognition sites. The methylation
status of the latter sites is colour-coded, orange for unaligned sites, black
for methylated (residues within recognition sites), grey for unmethylated and
yellow for status unknown. As with the interactive grid view, the underlying
sequences can be viewed by left-clicking on the position of interest.
Saving grid data
Once an alignment has been created and edited, the grid may be saved, either
as a text file or an image file, via the menu (Figure 16). If the option
is selected (on the menu,
Figure 17), the image will be generated from the edited grid; otherwise,
the original methylation status will be used.
Image formats
The grid image and the dC conversion map image can be saved as bitmap (*.bmp), portable network graphics (*.png) or scalable vector graphics (*.svg) files. However, unlike CpGviewer, MethylViewer does
not create PowerPoint presentation (*.ppt) files. The
image file format is chosen when entering the image filename. In addition to the
square pattern used for the screen display of the interactive grid, a “lollipop”
style, as commonly used for publication, is available. Unlike CpGviewer, the symbols are spaced relative to the
methylated residue’s absolute position in the sequence and are
NOT shifted to reduce overlap and aid identification. This
feature allows placement of footprints more accurately.
These exported images can be created unadorned or in an annotated format,
which may include labels identifying the sequence file, nucleotide position of
the cytosine residue(s) and the bisulphite conversion efficiencies. To add
labels, select the appropriate option from the menu (Figure 17). It is also
possible to trim the image, so that sites at the 5′ and 3′ ends of the alignment
are not included in the exported ‘Grid’ or ‘Scaled Lollipop’ images.
To select a range of sites to export, use the
option on the menu. This will
invoke the corresponding Limit methylation sites shown in images
window (Figure 18). This window allows the selection of methylation sites
either by absolute nucleotide position or by order in the reference sequence. It
is also possible to direct MethylViewer to renumber
the exported sites, such that the start of the range for exported nucleotide
position and methylation site number is reset to 1.
The symbols and colours used in the “scaled lollipop” image type correspond
to those selected when defining the custom methylation sites (Figure 4). The
position of the methylated residue is indicated by the position of the symbol in
the image, as shown in Figure 19. For the triangular symbols, this is
where the symbol touches the horizontal line. For the blue line (representing
unconverted dC residues not within a recognition site) it is where the line
bisects the horizontal line. In the case of the disc symbol, the residue
position is at the left-hand edge of the disc where it intersects the horizontal
line. In cases where a residue could be methylated by any of multiple enzymes, a
symbol is coloured grey for methylated and white for unmethylated status. When
creating the composite image (Figure 20), the various symbols will be
drawn in the order in which they were specified in the Custom methylation sites. For this reason, if the
disc symbol is used, it is suggested that this is defined first, since it may
otherwise obscure other nearby symbols.
Text formats
It is possible to export the alignment data either as a tab-delimited text
file representing the grid data, or as a FASTA alignment file. The FASTA file
does not contain any information on methylation site locations, but allows the
alignment information to be imported into other software packages.
Grid text file
This text file recreates the grid as a plain text tab-delimited table
arranged in the same order as the grid, with each methylatable residue’s
sequence replacing its colour-coded square. Each sequence is identified by the
originating sequence file name at the end of the row. Since the table is
tab-delimited, it can be conveniently opened using a spreadsheet programme, with
each individual methylatable residue score placed in a cell. The '~~' symbol
represents unaligned methylation sites. The file also includes the reference
sequence, with the methylatable residues numbered in the order that they appear
in the table. A key to these numbers is located at the end of the file which
also identifies which recognition site contains the target residue (Figure
21). Note that the output to this file cannot be trimmed using the
option (Figure
FASTA text file
The FASTA text file can be created with or without the reference sequence.
However, if you wish later to use the file with MethylViewer, it must include the reference sequence. For
an example of a FASTA file, see here. The
first sequence in the file must be the reference sequence, and gaps in the
alignment must be identified by the '-' character.
MethylViewer also incorporates four other tools
that may useful to researchers engaged in bisulphite genomic sequencing projects
(Figure 22). These tools aid primer design, viewing of electropherogram
data (view a trace) and creation of hypothetical bisulphite-modified sequences.
Viewing an electropherogram
Sequence read electropherogram traces can be viewed either by right-clicking
a blue square at the start of a row or by choosing from the menu and selecting a trace file. The trace will be
displayed in a new window (Figure 23). If the selected file is an
unprocessed ABI file (*.ab1), a message will be
displayed stating that the file contains no processed data, and offering the
choice either to view another file or allow the programme to analyse the data.
Note that when unprocessed data is viewed (either from *.ab1 or *.rsd files) the display
window will initially show the earliest scans from the run, which do not contain
readable sequence data (Figure 24). The trace view can be altered or
scrolled using the menu or the controls at the bottom of the window (Figure
The sequence trace is displayed as a series of panels, of which three are
visible in the window. To view panels that contain data 3′ to the current view,
left-click a panel in the region delimited by the red arrow (Figure 25);
similarly, to move 5′ from the current sequence region, left-click in the region
indicated by the blue arrow.
Saving the image
Each panel can be saved individually, as a bitmap, by right-clicking the
image and choosing the file name and location. If the sequence of interest lies
across two panels, adjust the start point of the images, as described below in
Changing the start and end points of the images.
Changing the trace appearance
Applying changes
Since each change requires the images to be redrawn, to save time multiple
adjustments can be made (as described below) and then applied using the Redraw or Reread buttons (labelled
in Figure 25). These buttons have similar functions, but differ in that
whereas Redraw creates the new images using the
existing data, Reread recreates the basecalling and
alignment to the reference sequence. If the base-calling cut-off is changed by a
large amount, then it is preferable to use the Reread
Changing the start and end points of the images
By default, all of a sequence run’s scan lines will be analysed by MethylViewer. To limit the range of scan lines used to
create the images, enter the desired start and end points into the text boxes at
the bottom of the screen (labelled 2 and 3 in Figure 25) and press
Adjusting the base-calling cut-off
The base-calling cut-off (labelled 4 in Figure 25) adjusts
the signal intensity at which peaks are identified as either true base-calls or
background noise. With good quality sequences, this value is relatively
unimportant, but it may be useful to adjust it when analysing traces that have
low amplitude and/or high background. If changed, the cut-off value is stored by
the programme and applied to all subsequent base-calling, whether displaying
other traces or creating a methylation site alignment. The base-calling cut-off
can also be adjusted via the menu of
the main programme window (Figure 2).
Changing the image scale
The vertical scale can be adjusted via the list-box (labelled 5 in Figure 25), the new
setting being applied once the Redraw button is
clicked. If the scale is set to “Auto” the programme will use a suitable value
calculated using the peak heights across the entire trace.
Changing the window size
The trace view window can be manually resized, but the trace image will not
be redrawn to suit the new panel size until either the Redraw or Reread button is
File menu functions
Figure 26 shows the menu. Using this, it
is possible to open a new trace file, save the sequence as a plain text file, or
save the trace in standard chromatogram format (*.scf).
The latter only includes scan data between the start and end values selected for
creating the image (2 and 3 in Figure 25). This
menu also allows the user to print the trace.
Options menu
The menu (Figure 27) enables the
user to change the format of the panels, as well as to access peak height data.
Available functions
- Redraw:
- this performs the same function as the Redraw
button at the bottom of the form.
- Marker:
- This changes the marker intervals, to appear either every 10 nt or every
100 scan lines. It also allows the markers to be hidden.
- Peak heights:
- The average peak heights are calculated as the programme base-calls the
trace file. This information can be shown either visually or as text. When the
option is selected, horizontal lines are
drawn to show the average peak height for each nucleotide. The option displays the average, standard deviation
and count for each nucleotide.
- Clip sequence:
- This function removes the 3′- and 5′-end low quality sequence when it is
saved to a plain text file.
Bisulphite primer design
Since the sister strands of bisulphite-treated DNA are no longer
complementary, before designing primers it is necessary to select both the
region of DNA sequence of interest (plain text file) and which strand the user
wishes to analyse (Figure 28). It is also possible to have CG and/or GC
methylation sites highlighted on screen when designing the primers.
The primers are then designed using the primer
design window (Figure 29), which comprises four parts, as
described below.
- 1. The Tm graph.
- This shows the Tm of a primer starting at that position and
extending to the right by the length entered in the Primer length box. The solid black vertical line shows
the start point of the current primer. The grey boxes show the positions of
methylatable sites (CG and/or GC) in the reference sequence.
- 2. The position panel.
- This panel shows the position (in base-pairs) of the sequence in the
Tm graph and sequence panels.
- 3. The sequence panel.
- The predicted sequence of the bisulphite-treated DNA reference sequence if
unmethylated. Pale blue boxes indicate where dC residues have been converted
to dT, and the red text represents the current primer sequence.
- 4. The function panel.
- This region contains the controls used to create the primers.
How to design a primer
1. First enter the desired primer length in the Primer length number box and click Change. This redraws the Tm graph shown in the
main panel (the primer length can be changed at any point during the primer
design process).
2. Navigate to the desired region in the DNA sequence, using the scroll bar
across the top of the function region, and choose a suitable point in the
3. If this is the reverse primer, tick the Reverse strand box.
4. Click the point at which you wish the primer to start (forward primer) or
end (reverse primer) on the Tm graph panel, the position panel or the
sequence panel. The primer sequence will be highlighted in red text in the
sequence panel and will be displayed in the window’s title bar, along with its
calculated Tm. The Tm is calculated using Tm =
81.5oC + 16.6oC x log10 positive ion conc] +
0.41oC x (%GC) - 675/primer length. The positive ion concentration
constant is derived from the standard Promega PCR buffer containing 1.5mM
MgCl2 (Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E.F. and Maniatis, T. (1989) Molecular
Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring
Harbor, NY.). If the Reverse strand box is ticked,
the complementary sequence appears in the title bar (but not in the sequence
5. Pressing the Test button (bottom left of the
function panel) displays a text field with information on possible problems that
may arise with the chosen primer, from primer self-annealling and positions of
(ungapped) homology along the DNA sequence.
6. Enter the primer name in the relevant text box and press Save. When prompted for a filename, if a new filename is
entered, a plain text file will be created, while if an existing file is chosen,
the new primer will be appended to that file. The primer is saved as
tab-delimited plain text, as shown in Table 3.
Hypothetical bisulphite-modified sequences
In common with CpGviewer, MethylViewer also allows the user to generate the
predicted sequences of bisulphite-modified DNA molecules. Note that
these sequences must not be used as reference sequences for MethylViewer. For the CG methylation site, it is
possible to specify the methylation state prior to performing the in
silico bisulphite modification.
To generate a bisulphite-modified sequence, select the
option (Figure
22). This causes the form shown in Figure 30 to be displayed. The
user must then load the DNA reference sequence (as a plain text file) and choose
the methylation status of the DNA (methylated or unmethylated at CG residues;
other dC residues always assumed to be unmethylated) and whether the forward (dC
to dT) or reverse (dG to dA) strand is to be created. Pressing Create prompts the user for a file name and then saves the
modified sequence to the file.
Reverse complement a DNA sequence
Since MethylViewer will no longer align sequence
to the forward and reverse complement sister strands, it may be necessary to
reverse complement the reference sequence. To reverse a reference sequence,
select the option
(Figure 22) and
select a plain text file containing the reference sequence. Finally, enter the
name of the output file that will contain the reverse complement sequence.