Mutation Annotator
Purpose of this program
This program is designed to help annotate sequence variants in a cDNA sequence.
The program was written to help me create/test another more complex program that
automatically finds and annotates mutations in trace files.
This program can be downloaded
To use the program follow these steps:
- Press the 'Sequence' button and import the file containing the cDNA sequence. The
sequence will then appear in the panel, the upper line is the original sequence and the
lower sequence is the edited sequence.
- Select the start of the open reading frame from the list box at the bottom left
of the form or enter it into the text box next to the 'Start codon' label. The ORFs amino
acid sequence should now be visible. (Use the scroll bar to navigate along the sequence.)
- Choose the nucleotide you wish to mutate by clicking on the nucleotide.
A box will appear around the selected residue.
- To change a single base press the 'A', 'C', 'G' or 'T' button.
- To delete nucleotides press the 'Del' button and enter the number of bases to remove.
- To insert nucleotides press the 'In' button and enter the sequence to insert.
- To create an InDel press then 'InDel' button and first enter the number of bases to delete
and then enter the sequence to insert
- When a mutation is entered, the mutation is 'Described' in the label above the row of buttons
and the positions where the original and variant sequences differ are coloured
in red. If the sequence change affects the amino acid sequence, click on the amino
acid residue and the protein variant will be annotated. An indication of the affect
of the AA change is given as the PAM value score for the wildtype and variant sequence (See
Important notes for explanation). To see the whole label, you my have to elongate the window.
- To reset the mutant sequence press the 'Reset' button.
Important note
If a number of sequence variants are close together (i.e aCgTg > aAgAg) it should not be
written as g.2C>A and g.4T>A but combined to be g.2_4delCGTinsAGA.
Also the program will not scan around a mutant to combine variations therefore if you
create an Insert, deletion or InDel and then select a different residue and then move back,
the variant will not be annotated correctly. To get the correct nomenclature press the 'Reset'
button and then re-enter the variant.
Pam scores
These values are used to create sequence alignments and are generated by comparing evolutionary
linked sequences. For example
AA = p.75W>G Pam score = 17 > -7
The wild type W residue is usually highly conserved and so scores 17. A change to G is rarely seen
and so scores -7. This means that a change from 17 to -7 is very significant where as
AA = p.91E>D Pam score = 4 > 3
E is not a highly conserved AA (in evolution) and so only scores 4, similarly a change from E to D is common
and so scores 3. This may underestimate a changes true importance if it is part of a motif or conserved structure.