Walk-through guide
Note: This program requires the Microsoft
.NET framework version 2 (or later) to be installed on your computer.
Illuminator has been written specifically for
targeted region- or gene-centred projects on the Illumina GAII sequencing
platform (for example, highly parallel diagnostic mutation analysis). Many of
its features reflect this goal, and are therefore not tailored to whole-genome
(or transcriptome) projects. In this walk-through, the images will illustrate a
step by step analysis of the p53 gene, in DNA from the HPAF pancreatic carcinoma
cell line. The sample read data have been provided in the FASTA file named p53_Q-5.fasta. This was generated from the original raw data
in the PRB format using the accessory program Illuminator
data extractor (IDE), with a quality cut-off value of 5 (see the separate
IDE guide for more
information on this program). The sequence reads were aligned against the
reference file p53.ref, which in turn was created by
Illuminator from the genomic sequence in p53_gene.txt and the cDNA sequence in p53_cDNA.txt (as described below). All of these files are
available via my departmental Illuminator download
There are three main sections to this guide (matching the three tabs on the
start-up window):
- Analysing the
- Viewing the
- Exporting the
analysis results
Information on the alignment algorithm used by Illuminator is contained in a
separate Appendix.
Data analysis tab
The Data Analysis tab contains three panels. The
Create reference file and Analysis panels allow the creation of reference files and
analysis of data respectively, while the Progress panel
is a visual guide to the progression of the data analysis (Figure 1).
Creation of reference files
To create a reference file, press the Create button
on the Create reference file panel and select
the text file containing the genomic reference sequence. Note: this sequence
must contain the gene on the sense strand. Once selected, the Reference files window will be displayed (Figure 2).
Next, press the cDNA button (above the green line
in Figure 2) and select the plain text file containing the cDNA sequence. This
sequence is screened for open reading frames (ORFs) which are then entered in
the list-box (highlighted by the blue rectangle in Figure 2). The protein
sequence of any ORF aligned to the cDNA sequence can be inspected by selecting
it in the list box and pressing the View button. To
align the cDNA sequence to the genomic sequence, select the desired ORF and
press the Find button (above the red line in Figure
2). The alignment will then be displayed in the Exon viewer window (Figure 3).
In this window, the upper line represents the cDNA sequence and the lower one
the genomic sequence. The green rectangle indicates the position of the ORF,
while the blue triangles map the locations of the exons from the cDNA sequence
to the genomic sequence.
The Exon viewer window contains four buttons
in the lower right corner, whose functions are:
- Quit closes the window without accepting the
- Accept closes the window and accepts the cDNA
- Save saves the alignment as a plain text
- View displays the alignment as a text file.
If the alignment is accepted, the Accept button at
the lower right of the Reference files window
will become enabled and pressing it will generate the reference file (Figure 4).
However, the resultant reference file will include all the sequence in the
genomic sequence file. When analysing data derived from long PCR products, or in
order to disregard non-coding sequences, it may be desirable to restrict the
sequence included in the reference file to regions of interest. Doing this will
both decrease the size of the reference file and speed up the analysis.
To select such a region of interest, enter its start and end points into the
two text boxes above the red and green lines and press the Add button to their right. This clears the text boxes and
adds the chosen region to the list box below the red and green lines. (To remove
a region, select it from the list box and press the Remove button). Finally, when all of the desired regions
have been entered, press the Accept button at the
bottom right of the window and enter the name of the reference file.
Aligning read data to a reference file
To simplify the alignment process, only one user-defined option can be set:
this is the "heterozygous cut-off" percentage (Figure 5, underlined in red). A
minor sequence variant must exceed this frequency for the position to be
considered heterozygous. The analysis work-flow is described below:
- Press the Index button (Figure 5, blue
rectangle) and select the reference file. The program reads the reference file
and indexes the sequence (as outlined in the Appendix).
- If you are screening a batch of sequence text files (*_seq.txt) in a directory, tick the Folder box next to the Select
button (Figure 5, green rectangle). If you are analysing a single FASTA file,
leave this box unticked. Accordingly, press the Select button and select either a single file (box
unticked) or a folder of files (box ticked; n.b. if you select a
folder, Illuminator will try to read
all text files, so do not put text files other than sequence
reads in the correct format in this folder).
- If you have a file containing SNP data (*.sref)
extracted from a previous analysis, press the SNP
button (Figure 5, black rectangle) to load this file. (Making SNP data files
is described in the SNP Library
- Select the “heterozygous cut-off” using the list-box at the bottom of the
interface (above the red line in Figure 5). If this value is set at 20, then
each allele must comprise at least 20% of the total reads to be called
- Finally press Go (highlighted by the red
rectangle in Figure 5) to align the sequence reads against the reference
sequence. Illuminator first identifies SNPs in the
patient sequence data and adds them to the reference sequence. The program
then reanalyses the read data, mapping reads containing multiple sequence
variants as well as identifying the positions of indels. While it does this,
it creates a *.temp file which contains reads that it
thinks span the indels. Finally, it maps the reads in the *.temp file to the reference sequence containing possible
indel. When this step has been completed, the *.temp
file is deleted. Since the file is linked to the current analysis, data in one
folder cannot be analysed simultaneously by two instances of Illuminator. As the analysis is performed, its
progression is shown as a series of coloured bars in the Progress panel. The progress bars fill the meter after
analysis of 1 million sequence reads, after which it resets to zero and starts
- Once the alignment is completed, the interface automatically displays the
View data tab, containing the Display options panel.
View data tab
The View data tab (Figure 6) contains four
buttons, which invoke windows that respectively display the complexity of the
reference sequence, a global view of the alignment, a local view of the
alignment read depth, and information related to each indel that the analysis
has found.
General features of the ‘Complexity’, ‘View ’ and ‘Data’ view forms
The first three buttons all generate windows that display their data
pictorially. Mouse-clicking on any image selects that point as the active
position in the reference file. If two or three windows are open, redefining the
active point within one will also change it in the others, so that each window
displays information about the same point. Similarly, each window has a list box
in its, Glogal and ); this selects data related to
each region of interest (e.g. a long PCR product). Again, changing this
in one window also changes it in the other open windows.
The PCR products are all equally scaled, so that the longest one spans the
image. Exonic data is shown as a pale blue rectangle and protein-coding
sequences in pink (for example, see Figure 7). These windows can be resized.
The fourth button Indels generates a window that
behaves differently.
Complexity view
Pressing the Complexity button (Figure 7, black
rectangle) opens the Complexity view window,
comprising two images. The upper image, in the Reference sequence statistics panel, shows a global
view of the "uniqueness" of the sequence across a region of interest. The lower
Sequence panel displays an image of the local data
complexity, along with the DNA sequence itself.
The blue histogram in the upper image (black arrow in Figure 7) charts how
commonly the octamer at that position occurs in the reference sequence (all PCR
products). Regions that contain runs of common octamers may be susceptible to
incorrect alignments.
Clicking on the image selects that point as the active sequence position;
this is identified by the vertical red line in the upper image and by two
vertical red lines in the lower image; the octamer at that position is
highlighted as a pale blue rectangle (outlined in black for emphasis in Figure
7). The vertical numbers in the lower panel are counts of the frequency with
which the octamer at that position occurs in the entire reference sequence. In
the example shown, the selected octamer occurs 4 times, while the octamers to
its right occur at a total of 22 positions. If any of these octamers occur
elsewhere in the same region of interest, their positions are flagged by short
vertical green lines. (One is highlighted in the green rectangle in Figure 7.)
If such an octamer is in the opposite orientation, its green line is displaced
to a lower position than if it is in the same orientation.
Global view window
Pressing the View button (red rectangle in Figure
6) displays the Global view window, which gives a
global view of the alignment information (Figures 8 and 9). This window shows
the positions of single base variants and indels in the sequence. As with the
Complexity view window, clicking on either of its two
panels selects that position on the image as active, and centres the lower image
on the active nucleotide (indicated by red vertical lines). The upper part of
the display, in the Alignment statistics panel,
includes line plots of the read depth across the region of interest, blue for
sequences originating from the sense strand and red for antisense. Occasionally,
a large spike may occur in the graph due to the presence of a sequence that is
present at very high copy. The presence of such spikes may reduce the scaling of
the Y axis, flattening the graph and obscuring the read depth data. To overcome
this, the Y axis may be scaled logarithmically by ticking the box in the bottom
left hand corner of the window.
Below the pink and blue rectangles representing the exonic sequences are five
rows that highlight the locations of SNPs and indels. The uppermost of these
displays a red vertical line at the position of single base variants. To be
placed in this row, a variant must be identified by different sequence reads
mapping to both the forward and reverse complement of the reference sequence. If
a variant is identified only by reads mapping to the forward sequence (or only
to the reverse complement) its position is marked by a blue vertical line in the
second (or third) rows. Similarly, indels are annotated by red lines in the
fourth row, only if identified in different sequences aligned both to the
forward and reverse complement reference sequence. If not found in both forward
and reverse sequence reads, an indel's position is shown in the fifth row. When
a patient is heterozygous for an indel, it may be associated with a number of
incorrectly called sequence variants. Such spurious calls will be shown in this
window, but will be ignored (under default settings) when exporting variant data
to a text file.
The lower Sequence panel shows the local sequence
flanking the selected position. This appears as up to six lines of sequence; the
first line (black text) is the sense strand of the reference sequence, the
second (blue text) is the sequence deduced from the experimental data, in which
heterozygous changes are shown as y, r, w, s, m or k. (The program does not tolerate three different
nucleotides at one position). Similarly, the next two lines show the antisense
reference and deduced (patient) sequences. The last two lines contain the exonic
and protein sequences derived from the reference file (not the patient data). If
the active position is in an intron, these lines will be absent. Single-base
variants visible in the lower panel are identified as red text on a grey
background. For example, in Figure 8, the active position contains a homozygous
C→G substitution.
If the selected position is close to an indel, two further lines of text will
be displayed, showing the deduced patient sequences across the indel, from reads
matching the sense strand (upper line) and antisense strand (lower line). Figure
9 shows an example of a 3-nt deletion (g.15188_15190delAAA) within a run of 18 A
Data view window
Pressing the Data button (green rectangle in Figure
7) opens the Data view window. This only displays
local sequence data around the selected site. While it is possible to navigate
along the sequence using the scroll bar below the image or by clicking on the
image, it is usually easier to move to a specific position by selecting that
point in either the Global view or Complexity view window.
The alignment data for sequence reads mapped to the sense strand is shown in
the upper half of the panel (labelled A-E in Figure 10) and the
data for reads aligned to the anti-sense strand is displayed in the lower half
(a-e in Figure 10). As in the Global
view window, substitutions are highlighted with a grey background and the
current position is shown by two vertical red lines (Figure 10). This window
shows the deduced (patient) and reference sequences, along with read depth
information as outlined below:
- A and a: The deduced (patient) sequence
heterozygous positions are identified by the use of the Y, R, W, S, M or K
IUPAC ambiguity symbols.
- B and b: Graphical representation of the
relative proportion of each nucleotide mapped at a specific position. The
image imitates an ABI-style electropherogram, in that it is composed of four
coloured lines (A = green, C = blue, G = black, T = red). If 100% of the reads
identify the same base, the peak will touch the black dashed line, whereas if
a position is heterozygous and one nucleotide is present in ~50% of the reads,
its peak will reach about half way to the dashed line from the baseline.
(n.b. Figure 10 shows data derived from a different cell line from
that used in the data supplied for download.)
- C and c: The reference genomic sequence
is shown below the graphic. If the displayed region includes any exonic or
protein sequence, extra lines are written to display this (below the line
labelled C in Figure 10), for the forward (sense) direction of the reference
sequence only.
- D and d: This line is the result of
deconvoluting the deduced (patient) DNA sequence to identify sequence changes.
Where the patient and reference sequence are the same, this line will be
identical to the reference sequence. Where the patient and reference sequences
differ, this line displays the patient sequence if it is homozygous. However,
where a position is heterozygous, Illuminator
subtracts the reference sequence from the patient sequence, to identity the
variant nucleotide. For example, if the reference and patient sequences are
ACGCGT and ACSGGT, respectively, this line will display the novel sequence
- E and e: This line shows the read depth
at each position.
- F: The position in the original genomic reference
sequence used to create the reference file is annotated, above the position in
the long PCR product (which is shown in brackets).
Indels window
This window works differently to the other three, being purely text-based.
Each possible indel is viewed in turn, by selecting it from one of the list
boxes in the View an Indel panel at the
bottom left. The first list box, labelled ‘All’, lists all the positions Illuminator has identified as containing a possible indel.
The list labelled ‘True’ contains the positions Illuminator has identified as true indels. When analysing
for indels, the sense and antisense strands are processed independently of each
other, and an indel is called only if each strand gives the same answer. This
methodology is reflected in the Indels view interface,
which shows the forward strand analysis (labelled A-E in Figure
11) in the upper half of the interface and the reverse strand analysis (labelled
a-e) separately below it.
The first line of each analysis (A and a in
Figure 11) is the reference sequence spanning the putative indel. Below these
are the results of the sequences aligned to the strand 5’ to the indel
(B and b in Figure 11) and the result of reads
aligned to the strand 3’ to the indel (C and c
in Figure 11). Lines D and d show the
patient’s consensus sequence across the indel derived by aligning the sequences
B to C and b to
c. Finally, the alignment of the reference sequence and the
patient consensus sequence is shown (E and e
in Figure 11). In Figure 11 the alignment identifies the mutation to be a 3-nt
deletion (red box). Only if the same indel is found in both E
and e alignments is the indel annotated when the sequence
variants are exported; otherwise, the estimated approximate position of the
indel will be listed.
The consensus sequences (D and d) can be
manually adjusted using the input boxes in the Adjust alignments panel. Changing the number in the
‘Forward’ list-box moves the position of the sequence in line C
relative to the B line sequence, which in turn changes the
consensus sequence in line D and the alignment
E. Similarly, editing the value in ‘Reverse’ list-box affects
the sequences in lines c, d and
e. Pressing the R button resets these
values to the original offset. If these values are changed, the new alignment
will be used when annotating and exporting the sequence variants.
Import/Export tab
The Import/Export tab contains three panels (Figure
Alignment data
This panel contains two buttons; Export (below the
red line in Figure 11), which saves the analysis data to a file, and Import, which opens a previously saved data analysis. There
is no difference between re-analysing a run and opening the same analysis saved
to a file; however, the exported data file is much smaller than the data file
containing the sequence reads. This option therefore makes it possible to e-mail
analysis data to co-workers, etc.
Sequence variant data
Pressing the Variants button on the Sequence variant data panel exports the sequence
variants to a plain text file (Table 1). If a variant occurs in the open reading
frame, the variant codon is shown together with the equivalent codon in the
genomic and cDNA sequences. The position of the mutation in the cDNA sequence is
specified relative to the first nucleotide of the start codon. If a sequence
variant lies within a splice site, this is indicated in the third column (which
normally contains the protein sequence data). Currently, the output does not
state whether an indel is heterozygous or it's read depth.
Mutation in genomic sequence |
Mutation in cDNA |
Mutation in protein sequence or splice site |
Homozygous or heterozygous |
Read depth |
g.14117C>G |
intronic |
non-coding |
(homozygous) |
(a: 0, c: 1, g: 1150, t: 0) |
g.14430C>G |
intronic |
non-coding |
(homozygous) |
(a: 3, c: 15, g: 1678, t: 2) |
g.15065T>C |
intronic |
non-coding |
(homozygous) |
(a: 3, c: 2715, g: 0, t: 0) |
g.15188_15190delAAA |
intronic |
non-coding |
g.15257G>A |
intronic |
non-coding |
(homozygous) |
(a: 3238, c: 14, g: 9, t: 2) |
g.15423C>T |
c.451C>T |
p.151P>S (Gene: dCCC-P, cDNA: dCCC-P, Variant:dTCC-S) |
(homozygous) |
(a: 0, c: 7, g: 1, t: 2043) |
g.15787A>G |
intronic |
non-coding |
(homozygous) |
(a: 5, c: 0, g: 2486, t: 0) |
g.16258G>C |
intronic |
non-coding |
(homozygous) |
(a: 2, c: 2343, g: 5, t: 2) |
Table 1
Selecting the ‘Export ambiguous base changes’ option (green rectangle in
Figure 12) exports variants that appeared in only one strand (e.g. that
appeared in reads aligned to the sense strand but not the antisense strand). It
also exports single-base variants close to suspected indels (which are probably
artefacts caused by the indel).
Selecting the ‘Include alignments with Indels’ option (blue rectangle in
Figure 12) exports the alignment of the consensus and reference sequences with
the annotated indel. These alignments are analogous to the alignments labelled
E and e in Figure 11.
SNP Library
With each successive analysis of a gene, the positions of an increasing
number of SNPs and single-nucleotide mutations will be identified. These
variants can be exported, via the SNP library
panel. To start a new data set, press the New button
(above the brown line in Figure 12) and select a file name. In subsequent
analyses of the same gene (using the same reference file), the library can be
updated by pressing the Update button (below the brown
line in Figure 12) and selecting the library file. The variant data is updated
and then exported to a new file with the same file name as the original, except
that the current data is appended to it. This file is saved as a plain
tab-delimited text file, which can be opened and edited using any text editor or
spreadsheet program. (If opened in Excel, the file must be saved as a
tab-delimited file and not as a worksheet.) If this file is loaded before
analysing sequence data using the SNP button on the
Analysis tab, the positions of the sequence variants are
shown (in the Global view window) as vertical lines
over the blue and pink rectangles representing the exonic sequences (Figure 13).
Initially, each sequence variant is classified as 'Untyped' in the file and
is displayed as an orange line. However, once the significance of the variant is
known, it can be classified as either 'Polymorphism' or 'Mutation'. The variant
will then be indicated by a blue or red line, respectively. Table 2 shows a
partially edited SNP file, where the first two variants are untyped and the
remaining variants classed as 'Mutation' or 'Polymorphism'. When this file is
used together with the p53 sequence data, the positions and classes of the
variants are visualized relative to those of the variants found in the sample
data. The exact nature of each known sequence variant is also highlighted in the
lower panel (Figure 13). In Figure 13, the positions of p53 mutations found in a
number of cell lines, including one variant which is identified in the current
sequence data, can be seen.
The first line of a ‘SNP’ file contains the name of the reference file used
to analyse the data. Only data analysed using this reference file can be used to
view or update the information in a SNP file. The final column of the file shows
the number of individuals that mutation has been found in (not the number of
chromosomes it has been found on).
Variant |
cDNA |
Protein |
Class |
Occasions seen |
p53.ref |
g.14117C>G |
intronic |
non-coding |
untyped |
2 |
g.14283C>A |
intronic |
non-coding |
untyped |
2 |
g.14430C> |
c.215C>G |
p.73P>R (Gene: ccc-P, cDNA: ccc-P, Variant:cgc-R) |
Polymorphism |
2 |
g.15065T>C |
intronic |
non-coding |
Polymorphism |
4 |
g.15223T>C |
intronic |
non-coding |
Polymorphism |
2 |
g.15231G>A |
intronic |
non-coding |
Polymorphism |
2 |
g.15257G>A |
intronic |
non-coding |
Polymorphism |
4 |
g.15375T>G |
c.403T>G |
p.135C>G (Gene: tgc-C, cDNA: tgc-C, Variant:ggc-G) |
Mutation |
1 |
g.15376G>C |
c.404G>C |
p.136C>S (Gene: tgc-C, cDNA: tgc-C, Variant:tcc-S) |
Mutation |
1 |
g.15379A>C |
c.407A>C |
p.137Q>P (Gene: caa-Q, cDNA: caa-Q, Variant:cca-P) |
Mutation |
1 |
g.15381C>A |
c.409C>A |
p.137L>M (Gene: ctg-L, cDNA: ctg-L, Variant:atg-M) |
Mutation |
1 |
g.15382T>C |
c.410T>C |
p.138L>P (Gene: ctg-L, cDNA: ctg-L, Variant:ccg-P) |
Mutation |
1 |
g.15383G>T |
c.411G>T |
p.138L>L (Gene: ctg-L, cDNA: ctg-L, Variant:ctt-L) |
Mutation |
1 |
g.15423C>T |
c.451C>T |
p.151P>S (Gene: ccc-P, cDNA: ccc-P, Variant:tcc-S) |
Mutation |
1 |
g.15496G>A |
c.524G>A |
p.176R>H (Gene: cgc-R, cDNA: cgc-R, Variant:cac-H) |
Mutation |
1 |
g.15787A>G |
intronic |
non-coding |
Polymorphism |
4 |
g.16258G>C |
intronic |
non-coding |
Polymorphism |
1 |
g.20673G>A |
intronic |
non-coding |
Polymorphism |
2 |
Table 2