About this program
This program allows you to manipulate Affymetrix SNP meta data. The program will filter the SNPs exported by chromosome,
allele frequency or distance from the last exported SNP. While this is not necessary when using AutoSNPa or IBDFinder it
can be useful if you wish to use other software packages.
Periodically Affymetrix updates the SNP chip meta data, this can result in two SNP data files of the same type containing subtly
different SNP sets and different meta data (especially map position). To overcome this problem SNPsetter can standardise
the SNP dataset and metadata.
The program can also combine two different types of SNP data files to create a unified reference file. This can then be used to
integrate different types of data files in to a standard SNP data file.
This program and its instruction file is currently hosted on mirror of my old
department web site and can obtained from here
SNPSetter along IBDFinder with has been accepted for publication by Human Mutation
IBDfinder and SNPsetter: tools for pedigree-independent identification of autozygous regions in individuals with recessive inherited disease
Computer requirements
This program runs on Microsoft Windows, using the .NET 2.0 environment which can be obtained from