About this program
The IBDelphi algorithm is a method for identifying
segments of IBD between two individuals. Using this knowledge it is possible to calculate
the coefficients of inbreeding and relationships, as well as the probability of one of
their children suffering from an autosomal recessive disease, assuming their common
ancestor is heterozygous for a deleterious mutation.
The IBDelphi algorithm has been implemented in two
software packages IBDelphi and
IBDelphi allows the analysis of Affymetrix high density SNP
data from a consanguineous couple, or a consanguineous couple plus a relative affected by a
possibly autosomal recessive disease, or a consanguineous couple plus a relative couple who had
a child affected by a possibly autosomal recessive disease. When analysing data
from a couple and an affected relative with a unknown mutation it is possible to compare the
haplotype of the IBD regions in the couple to the haplotype of the autozygous regions in the
affected relative. Using this knowledge it is possible to calculate the probability of one of
their children suffering from the same autosomal recessive disease.
This program and its instruction file
is currently hosted on mirror of my old department web site and can obtained from here
IBDpopulations analyses multiple Affymetrix high density
SNP data file from one or two distinct population groups, estimating the degree of IDB between
pairs of individuals, allowing the level intra population or inter-population relatedness to
be calculated.
This program and its instruction file
is currently hosted on mirror of my old department web site and can obtained from here
Carr IM, Markham AF, Pena SDJ (2011). Estimating the degree of identity by descent in consanguineous couples.
Hum Mutat. Accepted 2011 Jul 28.
Computer requirements
This program runs on Microsoft Windows, using the .NET 2.0 environment which can be obtained from