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Illuminator Reference Files

About this program

The Illuminator Reference files program was designed to aid the production of reference files for the use of Illuminator. While it is possible to create reference files using Illuminator, this program allows the rapid production of a large number of reference files specific to a region of the genome. To use the program it is necessary to download and decompress the sequence data for the chromosomes of interest. These can be obtained from here and decompressed with 7-Zip, a free application which can be obtained from here. Illuminator Reference Files extracts the details of each gene's transcript from a text file created by the CDS project , the annotated file can be obtained from here.

insilicase icon This program is still under development; however it can be downloaded along with a user guide from here on my departmental webpage. A copy of the user guide is also kept on this site here.

Computer requirements

This program runs on Microsoft Windows, using the .NET 2.0 environment which can be obtained from here.

Copyright © 2020 Insilicase.