Coefficient of inbreeding and Cyrillic to text
About these programs
Coefficient of inbreeding
This program calculates the probability (p) that a selected child in a consanguineous pedigree is autozygous for
an allele inherited from an individual in the pedigree who is a common ancestor of both
of the child's parents.
The program also calculates the F (coefficient of inbreeding) and R (coefficient of
relationship) for the child.
It must be noted that the program assumes that the founder individuals in the pedigree
are not themselves inbred. It should also be noted that individuals in the pedigree
may be related via common ancestors not shown in the pedigree. These assumptions
are in reality most likely false for pedigrees
from isolated (physically or socially) populations or cultures that have practiced
customary consanguineous marriages over many generations. The calculated values should
therefore be regarded as lower limits for the true values of P, F and R.
This program can be
obtained from here and the instructions can
be found by running the program and selecting 'Menu' > 'Instructions' from the help men,
while sample files can be created via the 'Help' > 'Sample data' menu.
A web interface with reduced functionaltiy for this programe can be found
Cyrillic to text
This program is designed to create pedigree data files for CoefficientOfInbreeding.exe
from Cyrillic 'fam' data files. This program has only been used on files containing no genotype data.
This program can be
obtained from here and the instructions
can be seen when the program is run.