Illuminator data extractor
Walk-through guide
Note: This program requires the Microsoft
.NET framework version 2 (or later) to be installed on your computer.
The Illuminator_data_extractor program was
designed to convert various output data file formats generated by an Illumina
clonal sequencer to a format that Illuminator can process. While
Illuminator itself can analyse files in the fasta, _seq.txt and _qseq.txt file formats, it was decided for logistical reasons
to separate the task of data analysis from the task of file formatting.
Therefore this data extraction program will be updated in response to changes in
Illumina output file formats, while Illuminator will
be updated in response to other changes such as increased read length.
It was also decided to concentrate on the formats used by sequence files that
have not been subjected to quality scoring by comparison of the reads to a
reference sequence. This is because some of the capabilities for which
Illuminator was designed (such as detection of rare sequence variants, and the
processing of pooled samples identified by 5’-end tags) would be adversely
affected by such comparison. For example, reads containing genuine sequence
variants (or 5' tags) might be rejected by the Illumina pipeline because of
their poor match to the reference genome sequence. It would then be impossible
for any subsequent alignment method to perform sequence variant detection with
better sensitivity than that achieved by the pipeline.
File formats
Illuminator_data_extractor can extract data from
the _prb.txt, fasta, _seq.txt and _qseq.txt file formats,
and can generate _seq.txt formatted files. It also
offers a facility for sorting sequence reads according to the sequence of a 5’
tag, writing sequences with identical tags into a tag-specific output file.
The program has two tabs: Sequence files and prb.txt files. The Sequence files tab
converts fasta, _seq.txt and
_qseq.txt formatted files to _seq.txt formatted files with the reads sorted according to
their 5’ tag sequence. The prb.txt files tab handles the
conversion of _prb formatted files to tag-sorted _seq.txt files. The mechanism for selecting which tags to use
is the same for both tabs, and is explained below, with reference to the Tag selection panel on the first tab. If _prb files are to be converted, use the Tag selection panel on the prb.txt
files tab.
Tag selection
If the sequence reads are to be sorted by 5’ tag, tick the appropriate
check-box (highlighted by the green rectangle in Figure 1). This will enable the
Tag file button, the 'Tag length' list box and the
Minimum button (all above the green line in Figure 1).
The maximum tag length is set at 6 nucleotides, which allows a theoretical
number of 4096 unique tags. However, due to errors in the synthesis of the tag
sequences and basecalling the sequence data, it may be advisable to have each
tag differ by at least 2 positions; this will minimize the assignment of reads
to biologically incorrect 'bins'.
If you have a pre-existing list of the tags' sequences, you can load these
using the Tag file button, which will allow you to
select a text file listing the tags. This file should contain one tag sequence
per line, where each tag must be the same length and no longer than 6
nucleotides. If you don’t have a list of tags, the program can screen the
sequence read files for the presence of all tags of a certain length. To do
this, first set the tag length using the 'Tag length' list box. Due to
base-calling or synthesis errors, it is probable that all theoretically possible
tag sequences will appear in a read data set. Therefore, in order to minimize
the writing of large numbers of output files containing spurious tags, use the
Minimum button to specify the minimum number of
sequences containing a single tag, that must be present before that tag is
considered genuine. Since, in order to do this, the program must first identify
which tags are present in the reads, automatically identifying the tags will
increase the time taken for data extraction by approximately 25%, compared to
using a file of tag sequences. However, it has the advantage that it may
identify erroneously tagged sequences originating from a systematic error in the
tag synthesis. The sequences linked to each tag are written into an output file
named after the tag sequence and (for the _prb derived
files) the quality cut-off value used to filter the sequences. (See below.)
Converting fasta, _seq.txt
and _qseq.txt files
These file formats are converted to tag-sorted _seq.txt files via the Sequence files
tab (Figure 1). Define the 5’ tags as described above, and then select the data
source. Since the read data may be contained either in a single sequence file or
distributed across multiple text files in a single folder, select either the
‘Folder of files’ or ’Single file’ option in the File
selection panel (above the blue line in Figure 1), press the Select button and pick either the data file or folder of
data files. Finally, press Extract (above the red line
in Figure 1). The data output file(s) will be created within the same folder as
the original data. The progress of the file conversion is shown in the Progress panel, whose legend displays the name of the file
currently being processed. The progress meter increments as the reads are
processed, with a full deflection representing one million reads, after which
the progress bar is reset to zero.
Converting _PRB.txt files
The prb.txt files tab (Figure 2) allows the conversion
of _prb formatted files to either _qseq.txt or fasta formats. This
process is very similar to the conversion of fasta,
_seq.txt and _qseq.txt described
above. However the _prb files contain the base-calling
quality scores (four for each nucleotide position). The definition of these
quality scores is given here. The quality for each position ranges from -40 to
+40 where -40 very strongly suggests that that base is not the correct
nucleotide for that position while +40 very strongly suggests that that is the
correct base. When converting the data in _prb.txt files
to sequences, a quality score may be specified, below which the position is not
called. The program will allow 2 uncalled bases per read. On encountering a
third uncalled base, the sequence is no longer extended; if it is longer than 30
bases (excluding any tag) it is written to file; otherwise it is discarded.
(However, if any low-quality position is encountered within the tag sequence,
the read will be discarded.) To select the quality score cut-off, pick from the
'Quality' list box above the green line in Figure 2.
Since each lane of an Illumina run generates 100 _prb.txt files, the data is selected using the Select button (above the green line in Figure 2) to pick the
folder containing the data files. Unlike extracting data from _qseq.txt, _seq.text and fasta files via the Sequence files tag
it is possible to select if an uncalled base will be identified by the character
‘.’ or by ‘n’. Also, there is an option to convert the data to a fasta file ('Fasta format' check-box, above the red line in
Figure 2). Pressing the Extract button generates the
sequence output data, with the progress indicated by the progress bar as
described in the previous section.