About this program
This program was designed to to aid the visual identification of regions of LOH and/or CN state that are found
in a group of affected individuals and is not present in any unaffected individuals. The program is also able
to display allele difference, Log(2) ratio and smooth signal data. CNViewer is designd to work with data derived
from Affymetrix's SNP 6.0 chip array and extracted using Affymetrix's Genotyping Console.
This program and its instruction file
is currently hosted on mirror of my old department web site and can obtained from here
Carr IM, Diggle CP, Khan K, Inglehearn C, McKibbin M, Bonthron DT, Markham AF, Anwar R, Dobbie A, Pena SD, Ali M.
(2012). Rapid visualisation of microarray copy number data for the detection of structural variations linked to a
disease phenotype. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43466.
Computer requirements
This program runs on Microsoft Windows, using the .NET 2.0 environment which can be obtained from